How To Go Vegan In Trinidad & Tobago (For Beginners)


Hello friends! Hope everyone is doing great! Let me tell you…I am very excited about this blog post because it was something I was planning to write for a while now.

I want to be as thorough as possible so all your questions can be answered in one simple article. But if you have any other questions, please feel free to write them in the comment section below at the end of this post. 🙂


As stated in my FAQ section: “Veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose. If we are talking strictly in terms of diet, Vegans exclude meat (and yes, fish included), all dairy, eggs and honey.”

Being Vegan and following a plant-based diet is not the same thing even though the media and social media use the terms interchangeably.

All Vegans follow a plant-based diet, but not all people who follow a plant-based diet are necessarily Vegan.

There are many people who do it only for health reasons and not because of ethical reasons so they have no problem wearing leather, silk, etc.

So really the latter are not Vegans; the correct term is following a plant-based diet.


I realise that Veganism is something that sparkles curiosity among people and that’s exciting news for me!

I don’t know how many people have noticed but Trinidad & Tobago isn’t the exception! Very slowly, a health revolution is starting to take place and I cannot wait to see more people trying to make a change in their lifestyles.

Often times, people ask me: “Is veganism expensive? ““Is it hard? “Is it healthy?” There are many misconceptions and misinformation about Veganism out there so please check my FAQ section first, where I answered some of these questions.

Now that we learned that Veganism is a lifestyle and not a diet, perhaps you would like to know WHY you should go Vegan.

Please check my Why Vegan? page for specific examples before you continue reading this article.

Hopefully you’ve checked the two links I provided in this post, which answers the most common questions on Veganism as well as why you should go Vegan. If after all that, you’re still here reading- awesome! This means you are seriously considering becoming Vegan, congratulations!

Now, to the big question…


I know it might seem a little scary at first as you are not sure how your family and friends will react to the news. Perhaps you are not sure if you are prepared/ready to take the plunge. Maybe you are afraid of the ridicule in a country that venerates animal flesh or you are afraid people might judge you for your choices. Maybe, you’re wondering if all you will be eating are salads (I assure you its not like that! lol) but I do know that all of these concerns are normal.

The most important thing is that you are taking charge of your health and choosing to be compassionate towards the animals. Also you are becoming aware of the impact your choices will have on the environment and all beings living on this planet.

Despite popular belief, we were ALL born Vegan, if not think about yourself as a young child and how much you cared for the animals. You did not run around the yard trying to kill and eat whatever you saw, right?

If you put a baby in a crib with an apple and a live bunny, do you really think the baby will eat the live bunny and play with the apple? Or will he/she play with the bunny and eat the apple?

It is only a matter of reprogramming yourself about how you see food and make the connection.

Example: When I see a “pork” leg, I don’t see food. I see the dismembered part of a an animal, a pig. The meat, dairy and egg industry has meticulously use euphemisms in order to disconnect us from the animals.

There isn’t such a thing as “bacon”, it is pig’s flesh. Neither “leather”, which is cow’s skin.  There isn’t such a thing as “Beef”, it is a cow. “Gelatin” are animal bones and cartilages. The list goes on.


The route to Veganism is very personal. There are people who are able to go Vegan without any stepping stones. Others do it through a series of steps and gradually.

First, working towards becoming a vegetarian and after a while (usually a year or less), they decide to make the change towards Veganism.

If you decide to do it this way, it shouldn’t be hard because there are many vegetarians in Trinidad so you will find plenty support. However, I will address in a next blog post soon why Vegetarianism isn’t enough (for the animals and for your health). I believe in Vegetarianism only in terms of being a temporal stepping stone towards Veganism.

Of course, only you can answer what approach you would like to take. Keep in mind that doing it gradually will increase your chances of sticking to Veganism for good. It all depends on your own self-discipline.


One of the key reasons why some people fail at going Vegan and think it makes them “sick” it is because they are NOT eating enough. They limit their choices to only salads.

If they use to eat a plate of chicken, potatoes and a salad, when they try to go Vegan they will eat only the potatoes and the salad without attempting to replace the chicken with beans, peas or any other substitute.

Going healthy Vegan does not mean you are going to eat LESS, you should be eating more since the food will digest faster and you might be hungrier often. Specially, the first few weeks/months until your body settles into to the new foods.

So if you are going healthy Vegan and you start having headaches, feeling weak, etc. please do not blame it to Veganism. There are three reasons for those headaches and feeling sick:

First, as I previously mentioned you are not eating enough and you need to ensure you have WHOLE, nutritious meals and not simple a plate with a cucumber and a tomato.

Ensure to snack as well between meals. Also, one of the things you will realise on a Vegan diet is that when you are done eating, you will be satisfied but not “full” like a balloon.

In order words, you will never have that feeling of a huge rock inside your stomach as when you used to eat meat and dairy.

Second, your body might get those headaches because it is detoxing and will take a while to get rid of all.

Lastly, going Vegan doesn’t mean you are automatically going “healthy”. You can be Vegan and eat junk food, lots of candy, oils, sweets, etc.

Therefore, this can also be a contributor of why you might feel sick. It isn’t the Veganism but the junk you are putting inside your body.


If you are already a vegetarian, you are half way there! The number one reason most Vegetarians do not go Vegan is that goey-mucus forming substance called cheese. 😉

If you really knew what dairy does to your body, you will not want to eat it ever again:

Cheese: The New Crack Cocaine

However, as explained in the article linked above Dr. Neal Barnard in his book “Breaking the food seduction: The hidden reasons behind food cravings describe cheese as an addiction with similar effects to crack cocaine.

This is the reason why you “love” cheese and why it is so hard for anyone to cross it off.

The good news is that there are a few Vegan cheeses in the market. Personally, I am not a fan of processed foods therefore I don’t usually buy these products. However, in rare occasions I might use them if I feel to eat pizza.

The key for a smooth transition is lots of patience and understanding with yourself. But most of all, you must not give up no matter how hard it gets…but if you truly want this badly, you will make it happen no matter how long it takes you!

If there is any comfort in my words…I tried quite a few times to go Vegan and I failed miserably, but I never gave up. I checked what I did wrong and tried again over and over until I realised that my mindset was changed.


For starters, if you are eating dairy products every single day try to limit your intake to three times for the week.  Then when you feel you don’t need it as much, try to reduce it to twice a week until you no longer consume it.

Now, this process may take days, weeks or even a year. Go to your own pace.

One thing that helped me was not buying cheese as often, so if I was “craving” cheese, I would go to the fridge and realise I didn’t have any…and because I didn’t have any…I couldn’t eat it.

Cheese is an addiction and just like any other addiction, you need to remove the addiction gradually. I knew I was ready to give up cheese when I saw a block of cheese inside my fridge getting old because I didn’t touch it or looked at it.

Now with regards to milk, there is an amazing variety of vegan milks out there as well: Soy, oat, hazelnut, rice, coconut and of course almond milk. They are so tasty that you will never want to go back to cow’s milk!

How To Go Vegan In Trinidad & Tobago (For Beginners)


You might be surprised about what I am about to say…but before giving up meat; you should seriously consider giving up cheese first.

In my observation, giving up cheese is KEY to go Vegan. People love cheese more than they love meat (they might not even know it!) Trust me; I was that person growing up eating meat every day for lunch and dinner.

Once you follow the advice I just gave with regards to dairy and successfully stopped consuming cheese, then try to limit (in the same way) the amount of meat you eat.

You can start by having a “Meat-Less Monday” and gradually add a second meat-less day and so forth. This might take a while, so don’t feel bad if it doesn’t happen fast enough.

The most important thing is your willingness to stick to it and chart your progress. Remember, gradually transitioning is key to success.


One of the most informative videos out there is the Secret Reason We Eat Meat and dairy/eggs. If you are interested in going Vegan, you need to know first the psychology behind eating these products and this video has an excellent explanation about it.

There are many more videos and documentaries I watched to help me in my research and motivation towards Veganism. The most important one was The Best Speech I Ever Heard by animal liberation activist, Gary Yourofsky.

Please watch that video, highly recommended. Try to watch it when you are at home, alone and there aren’t interruptions of any kind.

Another video I forced myself to watch (and I believe any aspiring Vegan should watch as well) is called Earthlings (you will need to research if you can find it online). It chronicles the day-to-day practices of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit.

It is hard to watch, but if you do not wish to watch it then you should ask yourself…if it isn’t good for your eyes….then why is it good for your stomach?

Finally, the latest documentary about the reality of the food industry is What the health (available on Netflix)


Contrary to popular belief, Veganism is not expensive. As a matter of fact, my food bill was reduced significantly without the meat and dairy products.

Personally, I do not enjoy meat substitutes or processed Vegan foods such as Vegan hot dogs, etc so I don’t buy it and that’s where the label of being “expensive” comes from.

But once you stick to your normal foods, and your local veggies and fruits you will see for yourself that it is not expensive.


Of course. The number one question you will be asked repeatedly as a Vegan is: “What about your protein?” (You could be eating KFC every single day and no one bats an eye or asks about your health but you go Vegan and everyone will be concerned about your health lol).

Protein is found in lots of foods. Lentils, beans, seeds, spinach, nuts, quinoa, avocado, raisins, tempeh and the list continues! A lot of these foods also provide you with iron, you also have watermelon, potatoes, chickpeas, etc.

About calcium, we have a long list of vegetables that contain it: Broccoli, okra, celery, green beans, onions, spinach, kale, cabbage, fennel, etc! What about vitamins? All of these same foods and fruits!

And about that Vitamin B12… Vitamin B12 does a lot of things for your body. It helps make your DNA and your red blood cells. Also helps fight anemia and dementia between other things so it is an important vitamin.

Vegans eat fortified foods that contain Vitamin B12 such as some breakfast cereals and nutritional yeasts. Some Vegans also choose to take a B12 supplement.

Nutritional yeast is WONDERFUL! I highly recommend it. I put it in all my foods especially those that I want a “cheesy” flavor. You can get it in any health food store.


You can go Vegan anywhere. There are many Trini foods that are already Vegan or you can easily “Veganise”. A few examples of accidentally Vegan foods and those that you can easily veganise at home:

Pelau (just rice and pigeon peas), curry (potato, channa, bodi, pumpkin, mango, bhaji) cou-cou (without butter or cow’s milk), corn soup (without butter), lasagna (veggie, without butter), Trini-style Chinese food (noodles, rice, wontons made of tofu or veggies), pasta (any eggless pasta can be transformed to creamy pasta or with tomato sauce or pesto), macaroni pie (you can use an egg substitute) stew (with red beans and veggies) callalloo (coconut milk), pastelles (lentils/soy), bakes (without butter), doubles (they are accidentally Vegan), baigan choka (without butter), and the list goes on!


When eating out, you need to ensure to ask questions before purchasing.

If you like curry, make sure they don’t use ghee in their roti. You can always have it with rice if you are not sure. Most Chinese restaurants have Vegan options (rice, noodles, veggie/tofu wantons, veggie soup, etc.).

If you like burgers, be careful. Just because they might serve a veggie burger, it doesn’t mean it is Vegan. The veggie burger in Burger King T&T is not Vegan (it contains eggs) and the Impossible Burger is cooked in the same grill as their meat burgers.

Subway has two Vegan options on the menu (with Italian bread, which is Vegan): The Veggie Delight (just remember to ask them not to put any garlic sauce which isn’t Vegan) and the chickpea quinoa patty.

If you like Arabic food, most Arabic places offer gyros with falafel. Again, just make sure to ask if they use any dairy.

Pita Pit also offers a Vegan option with a falafel wrap. Again, just make sure to ask them not to add the garlic sauce and other dressings that might not be Vegan.

There are also a few Vegetarian restaurants, just ask them what Vegan options they have on their menu.

These are just a few examples, I will be adding more to my blog in other posts.


Veganism goes beyond food. Vegans try to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for clothing or any other purpose as well.

Because of this, Vegans do not use silk, wool, fur or leather. Not only in our clothing but also in our accessories (bags, handbags, wallets, hair accessories, belts, shoes, etc).

There are many synthetic/artificially made products that can be easily replaced without any issues and at a fraction of the cost, too.

We also do not use products that have been tested on animals. The list is endless, so before purchasing make-up or any other product, just do a quick Google search to ensure it is cruelty-free.

Lastly, remember when going to the grocery to buy anything, read the label of ingredients. Do not buy into the advertisement. Just read the label. You will be surprised at the amount of foods that contain dairy products.

If you have ANY concerns or questions, please leave a comment below. I will be more than glad to answer any questions or concerns you might have!

How You Can Stop Diabetes In Trinidad And Tobago


Today, I would like to blog about Diabetes and how you can stop it. It is the second most serious condition that affects thousands of Trinbagonians every year (and the numbers are increasing!).

One of my first blog posts here at Trini Vegan Blog was obesity and heart disease. Well, let me introduce you formally to their troublemaker cousin: Diabetes.


It is a chronic disease that takes place when the pancreas is no longer able to produce insulin (A hormone that acts like a key to let glucose from the food we eat pass from the blood stream into the cells in the body to create energy), or when the body cannot make proper use of the insulin it creates.

All of this can lead to raised glucose levels in the blood and over a long period of time, high glucose levels are associated with damage to the body and failure of several organs and tissues.


There are three different types of diabetes: Diabetes type 1 (Non-preventable, complete lack of the hormone insulin), diabetes type 2 (preventable, obesity or being overweight predisposes it) and gestational diabetes (during pregnancy).

The one I would like my focus to be is type 2, the one that can be prevented and reversed.


It is the fastest growing long term disease that affects millions of people worldwide.

In Trinidad & Tobago alone, it is estimated that there are 150,000 people living with diabetes and the numbers are growing, with 1,000 new cases every year.

It represent in adults, a prevalence of around 12-13 per cent. It is also the leading cause of adult blindness in T&T.

Our figures triple those in the UK and United States. In the UK, the prevalence falls into the 3 and 4 percent range and between 7 and 8 % in the USA.


One of the main factors contributing to the shocking statistics of diabetes in Trinidad & Tobago is the serious deterioration of proper eating habits (High in sugar, salt and fat) and sedentary lifestyle.

But let’s share some statistics so you can see how serious all of this really is. The prevalence of diabetes and related risk factors are as follows:

Diabetes: 10.9% (Male) 14.1 (Female) 12.5% (Total)

Overweight: 56.9(Male) 69.1 (Female) 63.1(Total)

Obesity: 24.9 %(Male) 39.5 %(Female) 32.3% (Total)

Physical inactivity: 29.9% (Male) 53.1 % (Female) 41.7 (Total)

World Health Organisation: Trinidad & Tobago


There are serious health complications due to this condition including heart disease, blindness, amputations, stroke, etc.

Think about it, but think about it carefully…Is this how we envision “living” our lives until the end?

Are the unhealthy foods we consume way more worthy than our own lives? The end-stage of diabetes is renal failure followed by death. Yes, death.

Diabetes Ranked Number 2 Killer

Thirty-seven years ago (1980) diabetes was the seventh leading cause of death in the country. Today, it is the second! Yes a whopping 350% increase in the number of people developing diabetes.

We need to wake up and see diabetes 2 as what it is right now in our country: An epidemic of enormous proportions that can be prevented by proper eating an exercising!


This is not a joke to be taken lightly. This isn’t about “yeah, I know” but we continue eating KFC with no issues whatsoever and yet struggle to walk a couple of blocks.

It needs to stop, seriously it has to. NO food is worth dying for. It is killing us and our families particularly our children.

We go about our daily lives like we are going to be young forever. It is certainly not the case. And if you think the dietary choices we make don’t affect us in the long run, then a crude and shocking awakening await us.


We are feeding our children all the unhealthy foods we consume and we are making them victims of the same diseases that are affecting us.

According to a study in the Point Fortin area by John Hopkins University, 30 per cent of the children there were overweight or obese. There are strong links between obesity and diabetes.

In 2004 there were 444 foot amputations in Tobago related to diabetes. That is one amputation every six seconds in the world. People with diabetes also have nearly double the risk of heart disease.

Diabetes Epidemic


Health Minister Terrence Deyalsingh said the cost to the State to treat diabetic patients is “millions and millions.”

Dr Claude Khan, diabetologist, said eight to ten per cent of the last health budget of $3 billion was spent on diabetes drug therapy ad blood testing and surmised the figure may be around an obscene $100 to $200 million annually.

175,000 Living With Diabetes In T&T

Now that you read all the statistics, information, serious health issues and cost related to diabetes, I would like to share with you some very simple tips that can help you live a healthier lifestyle.


1. Lose weight if you are obese or overweight: Remember there is a link between obesity and diabetes. Avoid junk foods, saturated fats, meats, sugar and choose healthy alternatives such as nuts, grains and vegetables.

2. Drink lots of water: It is your healthier alternative. Soft drinks and “juices” are overpowered by the silent killer: Sugar, making you prone to diabetes.

3. Follow a plant-based diet: There are studies that show a connection between plant-based diets and prevention of diabetes. Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

4. Exercise: Physical inactivity (As we previously mentioned) raises the risk of diabetes. Exercise renders cells more sensitive to insulin.

5. Have a good sleep: Lack of sleep increase the risk of diabetes and obesity. So try to get as much sleep as you can possibly can.

Don’t you think it is time to regain control over our health? Time to tell goodbye to Diabetes and start living! If you have more tips or would like to share from personal experience, please leave a comment below.

Wait! Read The Label Before You Buy It – It’s Your Health!


Hello guys, hope everyone had a great weekend! Today I am going to blog about marketing and how it impacts the choices we make in everyday living. Particularly with regards to food and drinks.

Knowledge is power. If we really want to take care of our health, we need to study, research, and understand how businesses use marketing strategies to get people to consume unhealthy products with the new label of “healthy”.

Companies observe consumers. They spend an incredible amount of money studying behavior. They are seeing that there is a portion of the population who wishes to make healthier choices.

Thanks to social media, we are observing an increase interest in health-related issues. The problem is that a lot of the time people do not really know what “healthy “eating/drinking really is therefore they are easily manipulated through cunning marketing and advertising.

For some people, any vegetarian dish is healthy (even if it is loaded with cheese and oils). As long as there is a veggie, people automatically relate that to health without taking much into consideration the preparation method.


They say that marketing is a game of perception, I couldn’t agree more. For example, vegans know too well the torture and suffering of cows in the dairy industry. A cow’s natural lifespan is around 20 years, but cows used by the dairy industry are typically killed after five years because their bodies are so wear out from constantly being pregnant or lactating.

They are standing on concrete flooring for the entire day without having the chance to go out or do anything else but being milked all day so people, who are not calves can drink it. Most of these poor animals get seizures or pass out due to exhaustion until the very same day they die.

The truth of the dairy industry

Of course, dairy companies will never show this side to the public. It wouldn’t be profitable. Instead, in order to get people to consume as much milk as possible, they brand and market milk in beautiful/cute cartons depicting happy cows in green pastures.

A reality that only exists in the twilight zone. They also add key words such as “free range” in order to make consumers believe that they can purchase these products guilt-free while still profiting and utilizing animals as slaves.

In the US, the USDA has strict rules with regards to labeling products for advertisement.

As an example, they do not allow the use of the words “healthy” or “nutritious” to describe eggs. Why? Simple: Eggs aren’t healthy neither nutritious.

Who says eggs aren’t healthy or safe

So basically companies have to spend a lot of time trying to figure out ways to market their products in a way that attracts clients and meet the USDA requirements.


The rules don’t seem to be too strict here in T&T. Sometime ago, there was an issue with a product labelled as coconut water when in fact it was a coconut drink and forced the manufacture to change the product’s label.

I am observing a very concerning trend. I am seeing products being referred to as “fruit juices” even though the actual juice content on the product is 20% or less. What about the other 80%?

Their target audience aren’t only adults, but also children. They must get them addicted from young, right?

These companies are partnering with nutritionists and trainers. It is something extremely worrisome to me. Why? Because in order to gain the trust of the general public (with regards to their health-related claims of their products) they are working along with people who are supposed to know better.

People tend to trust professionals and those with years of experience.

However, they are recommending/condoning unhealthy drinks full of sugar, artificial ingredients along with phrases such as “eat right” or “keeping with a healthy lifestyle”.

They are showing recipes of cooking pork and other meats along with words such as “healthy”.

Have you seen the “healthy” recipes post online? They are full of sugar, dairy, butter, oil, meats and ALL the foods/ingredients that are the number one cause of heart ailment and diabetes in this country!

It is short of disappointing and disingenuous to say the least.

Another technique being used is listing (On their package product) all the ingredients that allegedly the product does not have.


For example, sometime ago I saw a popular snack brand and it stated in the package: No cholesterol, Non GMO, No MSG, gluten free, no artificial colouring, no high fructose corn syrup, 0g transfat, etc.

Most people would say that’s amazing and buy the product right away thinking it is “healthy” WITHOUT bothering to read the nutrition facts.

Please guys, READ THE LABELS. Do NOT trust what it says in the package.

What the company isn’t telling you is that the product might not have high fructose corn syrup but it has the silent killer: Sugar. What the company isn’t telling you is that it contains palm oil (That besides being a highly controversial item for health) it contributes to species extinction (Orangutans) and environmental destruction.

The effects of palm oil

The product pride itself in 0g Trans-fat but it doesn’t tell you that it contains butter.

The saturated fat studies buttering up the public

In other words, we all need to do our own research and don’t let others do the thinking for us. Whether they are companies, experts, health coaches, nutritionists, or any other professional take your time and study labels. That’s where the truth really is.