Healthy Vegan: The End of Craving Unhealthy Foods



If you have recently decided to go Vegan, one of the first things you will notice is that your will power to change to a healthier, cruelty-free lifestyle is strong. You want to do this! (especially after watching documentaries about animal abuse as well as the horrible effects that meat and dairy have in your body). However, it does not mean everything is honkey-dory and your transition is without complications.

The thing is, once you start eating a plant-based diet, mostly in the beginning you might experience food cravings. It comes with the territory. If you have eaten meat and dairy for twenty years or more (every day), it is only natural that after stopping these products, your body will still crave for those things. It is okay, you don’t have to beat up yourself about it or think you are not going to succeed going Vegan.

Some of these products are extremely addicting, particularly cheese. And even though hydrogenated oils are Vegan (but the worse product you can put in your body!) it contains an addicting component that makes people want to eat it more and more. Why do you think people are hooked to KFC? They might think it is the chicken (but besides their addiction to meat), it is the OIL that keeps them coming for more.

Cooking and eating is a social and cultural part of our lives. Certain foods we enjoy eating (even the ones that are bad for us) are associated with certain memories that are very fond to us. We hold them dear. Maybe mommy or granny used to cook this particular dish so every time we eat it, it takes us back to those memories. So it is not strange that when we try to give up in those foods that are not healthy for our bodies, it does not seem to be that simple.

So how a “new” Vegan (or soon to be Vegan) handles these foods cravings? I made a list with some useful tips and information that can help you understand what you’re experiencing (which I think it is vital in order to understand your mind and body):


Transitioning can help you deal with cravings because you will have that flexibility to give up on those items little by little, opposite to do it all at once and then deal with the cravings and end up giving in. Then feeling guilty about it and starting the cycle all over again or giving up the idea of going Vegan for good.

Even though it is true that some people can go Vegan overnight, most people do not. For me, a transition period was vital especially knowing I wanted to do this for good. How long this transition period is depends on you and your level of discipline. It can take months for some people and years for others. Remember Veganism is a lifestyle, not a diet. I wrote quite a bit about transitioning in my post about going Vegan in T&T.


When your body starts craving for a particular item, try to see if you can veganize it. It is amazing to me how many things can be done using fresh vegetables.

Sometime ago I made cauliflower “nuggets” and I gave it to someone to try and I asked them to tell me what is it. The person tried it, looked confused because they know I am Vegan and then stated, is it chicken? They were surprised to hear it was in fact cauliflower. You will be surprised how many things you can veganize by mixing up the right seasonings.

I also like to bake breaded eggplant (super crispy) and let me tell you it is the perfect side dish if you’re craving for meat.

Sometimes I crave chocolate cake, I just veganize it minus the oil. If I am craving something cheesy and creamy I go for avocados.

If I am craving some comfort food, I go for a boy choy creamy Alfredo pasta that is all Vegan, comforting and delicious or a super delicious soup.



When you’re hungry, your body automatically will crave the foods you’re used to feed it.

If you’re new to Veganism, it will crave all the meat and dairy products. So try to always eat on time and ensure you pack the fridge with the right snacks, fruits and veggies.

Once you’re satisfied, less chances to crave for the wrong foods. A lot of people when they decide to go Vegan, they hardly eat. Then they start feeling sick and blame Veganism for their illness.

So please make sure to eat the right foods throughout the day so you don’t feel sick AND you don’t experience food cravings. Try to avoid as much as possible hydrogenated oils and processed foods because even though some of these foods are indeed Vegan, they are very unhealthy for your body.


They will be Healthy Vegan cravings!  Which I think is pretty much a good way to determine that your body and your mind have adjusted perfectly to this new lifestyle. I usually crave eggplants or avocados (they are OUT of this world!) Sometimes I crave a super delicious veggie soup with cornmeal dumplings.

Lately, I have been craving a well-seasoned Vegan polenta with tomato sauce. Wow. My mouth is watering right now. Hahaha.

Veganism is amazing. You have such a variety of foods and ways to make it. It is all a matter of preparation and research.

Hope these tips can be useful. Be patient with yourself, your taste-buds will continue to change as you continue making healthier choices. 🙂

Happy eating!

Author: Trini Vegan

I am an easy-going, empowered Vegan with a keen interest in health, wellness and happy living. I am also an Animal Rights Advocate. I blog and speak out against animal cruelty and other forms of animal exploitation. Please check my "About Me" page for more info.

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