Mass Murder Of Animals Outside Caroni Bird Sanctuary



The news about 40 cats found brutally murdered outside the Caroni Bird Sanctuary caused chills down my spine. There are SERIAL KILLERS in broad day light among us in T&T, people who walk down the road, eat their doubles, go to the beach, lime with you… and then take their precious time to mastermind mass murders. They take poisoned food and feed it to innocent, abandoned and hungry little animals whose only “sin” is to have been born.

What have these animals done to deserve such a slow, painful and torturous death??  Hoping a KIND human for once can have compassion on them and bring them food so they don’t starve to death? My goodness, this is so disturbing, disgusting, sickening that it is hard to fully understand the extent of this evil. Speciesism is a hell of a thing!

People who hurt and kill animals in this manner are not afraid to do the same to humans. We know through research that mass murderers start by hurting and killing animals before they do it to people. This is not the end but just the beginning of things they might do in the future. They have also killed other animals that ate the poisoned food or attempted to consume the deceased cats such as agoutis, hawks and raccoons.

According to the Guardian Newspaper, last week, while dis­cussing the con­di­tions of the Ca­roni Vis­i­tor Cen­tre sev­er­al stake­hold­ers com­plained about stray cats liv­ing at the site. It seems like someone took matters into their own hands and a week later they decided to murder all the cats.

You cannot call yourself a Trinidadian, a patriot, a HUMAN and murder innocent beings in this manner! You are nothing but a monster in human form. I hope a full investigation takes place and those who have done this can be held accountable in the strongest terms and pay for their crimes (no fine and no bail) but JAIL time for a VERY LONG TIME. A strong message needs to be sent! LEAVE THE ANIMALS ALONE AND STOP KILLING THEM! STOP IT!

I also hope that cameras can be allocated and placed all over the area so these animals can be somehow protected so no one feels they can do this again. Trinidad & Tobago needs to understand that animals are NOT things; they are NOT items that we use and destroy whenever we feel to. Time to STOP! You don’t pick and choose the animals you wish to protect and the animals you wish to murder. Can’t you see the psychosis and hypocrisy in this?

And if murdering innocent animals makes you feel “powerful” then you have SERIOUS issues that need to be addressed by a professional before you continue hurting other animals or people.

The Ca­roni Bird Sanc­tu­ary is an ecosys­tem and pro­tect­ed area. Dozens of endangered species live there. The perpetrators committed a CRIMINAL ACT and they MUST pay for it.

Author: Trini Vegan

I am an easy-going, empowered Vegan with a keen interest in health, wellness and happy living. I am also an Animal Rights Advocate. I blog and speak out against animal cruelty and other forms of animal exploitation. Please check my "About Me" page for more info.

2 thoughts on “Mass Murder Of Animals Outside Caroni Bird Sanctuary”

  1. Was this action taken by the owners of Caroni?
    I visited there last month on a holiday from the UK. I saw no cats but I would never have gone there had I known about the proposed slaughter of these poor animals. ?

    1. Hi Lesley, a full investigation is supposed to take place but without cameras I see it very difficult. They need to install cameras EVERYWHERE. Animals are seeing as objects…items…that you can destroy in a second if they are “bothering” you too much.

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