Vegan Homemade Soft Bread



Hey guys! How did you enjoy the Vegan bread video? It tasted so good with the cherry preserves on top and it is strange because I am not a fan of cherries but I must admit having a hot and super soft bread coming out of the oven makes all the difference.

Okay, enough of me and cherries (lol) let’s go straight to the recipe.


4 1/2 cups of all purpose flour

1 1/2 teaspoons of salt

4 teaspoons of sugar

2 tablespoons of olive oil

2 1/4 teaspoons of yeast

1 3/4 cups of hot water


In a large bowl, add the flour, salt, sugar and yeast. Mix thoroughly. Very slowly add the hot water (no boiling!). Mix well with a spoon or spatula. At this point, you need to add the olive oil and continue mixing. Knead the dough inside the bowl until all the flour mixture is well combined. Once that happens, transfer dough into a light floured surface and knead until soft and elastic. Place dough into a greased bowl, cover and let it rise for 40 minutes.

After the resting period is over, transfer dough into a light floured surface again and start shaping the dough into a loaf form as shown in the video. Cover and let it rest for 15 minutes.

Bake at 375F for 35-40 minutes. Let it cool completely before slicing.

Author: Trini Vegan

I am an easy-going, empowered Vegan with a keen interest in health, wellness and happy living. I am also an Animal Rights Advocate. I blog and speak out against animal cruelty and other forms of animal exploitation. Please check my "About Me" page for more info.

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